All Owls Think Alot…

Rather embarrassingly for a teacher, I got the date of World Book Day wrong, thinking it was Friday – allowing me tomorrow to sort a costume for big boy to wear to nursery.  Imagine my panic when husband casually informs me its TOMORROW and we haven’t a thing to dress him up in!  Well we have got some shop bought ‘dressing up’ costumes, but I’m afraid I’m from the school of thought that considers that cheating, so much flailing and rummaging ensued as I tried to covince my big boy with some pretty shoddy ideas.

Ill fitting green clothes for The Hungry Caterpillar got a short shrift and The Tiger who came to tea was just proving too much of a challenge (why oh why did I bin that animal print top a couple of years ago?!) when husband suggested Owl Babies.  This met with grudging approval from our big boy, so we started running about like loons searching for something suitably ‘owly’ (a new word I’ve created right there).

We found this great post on Alphamom with a downloadable mask which we stuck on some toy glasses.  I found an old fluffy baby sleeping bag that was ripped anyway and cut it into a tabard shape, sewing on ‘feathers’ round the neckline.  White t shirt underneath and ta daaa – one slightly grumpy, overtired owl baby.  Its a bit of a wonky costume, but was fun to assemble and I think its not a bad attempt for a last minute panic!!


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